2016-01-08 18:28:43 -05:00

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Mutations Walkthrough Mutations


A Mutation is a special ObjectType that define also an Input.

Quick example

This example defines a Mutation:

import graphene

class CreatePerson(graphene.Mutation):
    class Input:
        name = graphene.String()

    ok = graphene.String()
    person = graphene.Field('Person')

    def mutate(cls, instance, args, info):
        person = Person(name=args.get('name'))
        ok = True
        return CreatePerson(person=person, ok=ok)

person and ok are the output fields of the Mutation when is resolved.

Input attributes are the arguments that the Mutation CreatePerson needs for resolving, in this case name will be the only argument for the mutation.

mutate is the function that will be applied once the mutation is called.

So, we can finish our schema like this:

# ... the Mutation Class

class Person(graphene.ObjectType):
    name = graphene.String()

class MyMutations(graphene.ObjectType):
    create_person = graphene.Field(CreatePerson)

schema = graphene.Schema(mutation=MyMutations)

Executing the Mutation

Then, if we query (schema.execute(query_str)) the following:

mutation myFirstMutation {
    createPerson(name:"Peter") {
        person {

We should receive:

    "createPerson": {
        "person" : {
            name: "Peter"
        "ok": true