2016-08-06 19:56:43 -07:00

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v1.0 Upgrade Guide

Big changes from v0.10.x to 1.0. While on the surface a lot of this just looks like shuffling around API, the entire codebase has been rewritten to handle some really great use cases and improved performance.

Backwards Compatibility and Deprecation Warnings

This has been a community project from the start, we need your help making the upgrade as smooth as possible for everybody! We have done our best to provide backwards compatibility with deprecated APIs.


For implementing an Interface in a ObjectType, you have to add also ObjectType.


from graphene import Interface, ObjectType, String

class Character(Interface):
    name = String()

class Human(Character): # Old way, not working anymore

class Droid(Character, ObjectType): # New way, you have to specify the ObjectType


Mutation fields have changed the way of usage, before if you have the mutation MyMutation you only have to reference with graphene.Field(MyMutation) now it's simply MyMutation.Field()


from graphene import ObjectType, Mutation, String

class ReverseString(Mutation):
    class Input:
        input = String(required=True)

    reversed = String()

    def mutate(self, args, context, info):
        reversed = args.get('input')[::-1]
        return ReverseString(reversed=reversed)

class Query(ObjectType):
    reverse_string = graphene.Field(ReverseString) # Old way, not working anymore
    reverse_string = ReverseString.Field()


Apart of implementing as showed in the previous section, for use the node field you have to specify the node Type.


from graphene import ObjectType, relay

class Query(ObjectType):
    node = relay.NodeField() # Old way, NodeField no longer exists
    node = relay.Node.Field() # New way

Also, if wanted to create an ObjectType that implements Node, you have to do it explicity.


The Django integration with Graphene now have an independent package: graphene-django. For installing, you have to replace the old graphene[django] with graphene-django.


As the package is now independent, you have to import now from graphene_django.

from graphene.contrib.django import DjangoObjectType  # Old way of importing
from graphene_django import DjangoObjectType  # New way


Also, the Meta option attrs have changed:

  • only_fields is now fields.
  • exclude_fields is now exclude.


The SQLAlchemy integration with Graphene now have an independent package: graphene-sqlalchemy. For installing, you have to replace the old graphene[sqlalchemy] with graphene-sqlalchemy.


As the package is now independent, you have to import now from graphene_sqlalchemy.

from graphene.contrib.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyObjectType  # Old way of importing
from graphene_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyObjectType  # New way