Paper Elements

Material Design for Bootstrap

Material Design for Bootstrap is a theme for Bootstrap 3 which lets you use the new Google Material Design in your favorite front-end framework.

If you like this project you can support me by donating something on Gratipay, starring this repository, or reporting bugs and ideas.

Read more about Material Design for Bootstrap at the Github page.

If you want support the development of this project please consider donate something:

Donate with Gratipay

Thanks to all the people that donate me weekly on Gratipay and all the ones which has donated on PayPal! You are great guys!

Would you like to use this theme for commercial projects? Visit MyWebExpression and contact me using the form on the bottom of the page. Thanks!

Seems like you are using AdBlock to hide banners... Carbon ADS are quite nice and don't take much space, you may consider disabling it on this website.
This is the only AD on the entire website.


You can get this theme downloading the source from Bower:

bower install bootstrap-material-design

Getting Started


Install with NPM - Coming Soon

You can also install and manage Material Bootstrap using NPM

npm install

Install with Bower

You can also install and manage Material Bootstrap using Bower

bower install bootstrap-material-design

What's included

Material Design for Bootstrap is downloadable in a two forms. First, as less/sass source files. Second, as compiled .css files.

Required Frameworks

Bootstrap v3.0+

This theme extends, styles, and modifies Bootstrap's elements and styles. Without Bootstrap this project will not display correctly. To install Bootstrap please go to Get Bootstrap

jQuery 1.9.1+

All JavaScript plugins require jQuery to be included.

If downloading instead of using Bower, once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder to see the structure of (the compiled) Material Design for Bootstrap. You'll see something like this:

                ├── css/
                │ ├── bootstrap-material-design.css
                │ ├──
                │ ├── bootstrap-material-design.min.css
                │ ├──
                │ ├──
                │ ├── ripples.min.css
                │ ├──
                ├── js/
                │ ├── material.js
                │ ├── material.min.js
                │ ├──
                │ ├── ripples.js
                │ ├── ripples.min.js
                │ ├──

Just copy the compiled CSS and JS files and the font files from the .zip and add them to your site.

Once copied you need to initialize the material javascript by adding the following javascript to your site,



Default inside a .form-group

Notify me about updates to apps or games that I've downloaded

Auto-update apps over wifi only

Horizontal form with column label variations

This shows the generic label variant.

This shows the control-label variant.

Default outside a .form-group

Without a .form-group, .help-block always shows

Without a .form-group, .help-block sizing is the same as the label

Radio buttons

Default outside a .form-group

Default inside a .form-group

Toggle Button

Input specification

Input label styles default sizing

This is a hint as a

This is a hint as a
This is a hint as a
This is a hint as a

Input - floating labels form-group sizing

Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid email address

Input - static labels form-group sizing

Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid email address

Input - no labels form-group sizing

Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid email address

Input - floating label feedback variants

Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid email address

Input - Legacy





Some helpful hint

A valid email contains an @ character


File Input

Progress Bar


Contextual alternatives





Music, video, games & other media



Sliders are powered by noUiSlider


Simple Dialog

Dialog with header and footer