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docs Modal components

[//]: # DO NOT EDIT IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN - copy of bootstrap documentation generated by gulp docs:copy:bs-docs

{% callout info %} Bootstrap Reference Documentation This is a part of the reference documentation from Bootstrap. It is included here to demonstrate rendering with Bootstrap Material Design default styling. See the Material Design section for more elements and customization options. {% endcallout %}

Modals are streamlined, but flexible, dialog prompts with the minimum required functionality and smart defaults.


  • Will be replaced with the ToC, excluding the "Contents" header {:toc}

Due to how HTML5 defines its semantics, the autofocus HTML attribute has no effect in Bootstrap modals. To achieve the same effect, use some custom JavaScript:

{% highlight js %} $('#myModal').on('', function () { $('#myInput').focus() }) {% endhighlight %}

{% callout warning %}

Multiple open modals not supported

Be sure not to open a modal while another is still visible. Showing more than one modal at a time requires custom code. {% endcallout %}

{% callout warning %}

Modal markup placement

Always try to place a modal's HTML code in a top-level position in your document to avoid other components affecting the modal's appearance and/or functionality. {% endcallout %}

{% callout warning %}

Mobile device caveats

There are some caveats regarding using modals on mobile devices. [See our browser support docs]({{ site.baseurl }}/getting-started/browsers-devices/#modals-and-dropdowns-on-mobile) for details. {% endcallout %}

Static example

A rendered modal with header, body, and set of actions in the footer.

Modal title

One fine body…

Close Save changes

{% highlight html %}

Modal title

One fine body…

Close Save changes
{% endhighlight %}

Live demo

Toggle a modal via JavaScript by clicking the button below. It will slide down and fade in from the top of the page.