Kevin Humphreys 19650ebb52
Enable fuzzy text matching in Matcher (#11359)
* enable fuzzy matching

* add fuzzy param to EntityMatcher

* include rapidfuzz_capi

not yet used

* fix type

* add FUZZY predicate

* add fuzzy attribute list

* fix type properly

* tidying

* remove unnecessary dependency

* handle fuzzy sets

* simplify fuzzy sets

* case fix

* switch to FUZZYn predicates

use Levenshtein distance.
remove fuzzy param.
remove rapidfuzz_capi.

* revert changes added for fuzzy param

* switch to polyleven

(Python package)

* enable fuzzy matching

* add fuzzy param to EntityMatcher

* include rapidfuzz_capi

not yet used

* fix type

* add FUZZY predicate

* add fuzzy attribute list

* fix type properly

* tidying

* remove unnecessary dependency

* handle fuzzy sets

* simplify fuzzy sets

* case fix

* switch to FUZZYn predicates

use Levenshtein distance.
remove fuzzy param.
remove rapidfuzz_capi.

* revert changes added for fuzzy param

* switch to polyleven

(Python package)

* fuzzy match only on oov tokens

* remove polyleven

* exclude whitespace tokens

* don't allow more edits than characters

* fix min distance

* reinstate FUZZY operator

with length-based distance function

* handle sets inside regex operator

* remove is_oov check

* attempt build fix

no mypy failure locally

* re-attempt build fix

* don't overwrite fuzzy param value

* move fuzzy_match

to its own Python module to allow patching

* move fuzzy_match back inside Matcher

simplify logic and add tests

* Format tests

* Parametrize fuzzyn tests

* Parametrize and merge fuzzy+set tests

* Format

* Move fuzzy_match to a standalone method

* Change regex kwarg type to bool

* Add types for fuzzy_match

- Refactor variable names
- Add test for symmetrical behavior

* Parametrize fuzzyn+set tests

* Minor refactoring for fuzz/fuzzy

* Make fuzzy_match a Matcher kwarg

* Update type for _default_fuzzy_match

* don't overwrite function param

* Rename to fuzzy_compare

* Update fuzzy_compare default argument declarations

* allow fuzzy_compare override from EntityRuler

* define new Matcher keyword arg

* fix type definition

* Implement fuzzy_compare config option for EntityRuler and SpanRuler

* Rename _default_fuzzy_compare to fuzzy_compare, remove from reexported objects

* Use simpler fuzzy_compare algorithm

* Update types

* Increase minimum to 2 in fuzzy_compare to allow one transposition

* Fix predicate keys and matching for SetPredicate with FUZZY and REGEX

* Add FUZZY6..9

* Add initial docs

* Increase default fuzzy to rounded 30% of pattern length

* Update docs for fuzzy_compare in components

* Update EntityRuler and SpanRuler API docs

* Rename EntityRuler and SpanRuler setting to matcher_fuzzy_compare

To having naming similar to `phrase_matcher_attr`, rename
`fuzzy_compare` setting for `EntityRuler` and `SpanRuler` to
`matcher_fuzzy_compare. Organize next to `phrase_matcher_attr` in docs.

* Fix schema aliases

Co-authored-by: Sofie Van Landeghem <>

* Fix typo

Co-authored-by: Sofie Van Landeghem <>

* Add FUZZY6-9 operators and update tests

* Parameterize test over greedy

Co-authored-by: Sofie Van Landeghem <>

* Fix type for fuzzy_compare to remove Optional

* Rename to spacy.levenshtein_compare.v1, move to spacy.matcher.levenshtein

* Update docs following levenshtein_compare renaming

Co-authored-by: Adriane Boyd <>
Co-authored-by: Sofie Van Landeghem <>
2023-01-10 10:36:17 +01:00

18 KiB

title tag source new teaser api_string_name api_trainable
EntityRuler class spacy/pipeline/ 2.1 Pipeline component for rule-based named entity recognition entity_ruler false

The entity ruler lets you add spans to the Doc.ents using token-based rules or exact phrase matches. It can be combined with the statistical EntityRecognizer to boost accuracy, or used on its own to implement a purely rule-based entity recognition system. For usage examples, see the docs on rule-based entity recognition.

Assigned Attributes

This component assigns predictions basically the same way as the EntityRecognizer.

Predictions can be accessed under Doc.ents as a tuple. Each label will also be reflected in each underlying token, where it is saved in the Token.ent_type and Token.ent_iob fields. Note that by definition each token can only have one label.

When setting Doc.ents to create training data, all the spans must be valid and non-overlapping, or an error will be thrown.

Location Value
Doc.ents The annotated spans. Tuple[Span]
Token.ent_iob An enum encoding of the IOB part of the named entity tag. int
Token.ent_iob_ The IOB part of the named entity tag. str
Token.ent_type The label part of the named entity tag (hash). int
Token.ent_type_ The label part of the named entity tag. str

Config and implementation

The default config is defined by the pipeline component factory and describes how the component should be configured. You can override its settings via the config argument on nlp.add_pipe or in your config.cfg for training.


config = {
   "phrase_matcher_attr": None,
   "validate": True,
   "overwrite_ents": False,
   "ent_id_sep": "||",
nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler", config=config)
Setting Description
phrase_matcher_attr Optional attribute name match on for the internal PhraseMatcher, e.g. LOWER to match on the lowercase token text. Defaults to None. Optional[Union[int, str]]
matcher_fuzzy_compare 3.5 The fuzzy comparison method, passed on to the internal Matcher. Defaults to spacy.matcher.levenshtein.levenshtein_compare. Callable
validate Whether patterns should be validated (passed to the Matcher and PhraseMatcher). Defaults to False. bool
overwrite_ents If existing entities are present, e.g. entities added by the model, overwrite them by matches if necessary. Defaults to False. bool
ent_id_sep Separator used internally for entity IDs. Defaults to "||". str
scorer The scoring method. Defaults to spacy.scorer.get_ner_prf. Optional[Callable]


Initialize the entity ruler. If patterns are supplied here, they need to be a list of dictionaries with a "label" and "pattern" key. A pattern can either be a token pattern (list) or a phrase pattern (string). For example: {"label": "ORG", "pattern": "Apple"}.


# Construction via add_pipe
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")

# Construction from class
from spacy.pipeline import EntityRuler
ruler = EntityRuler(nlp, overwrite_ents=True)
Name Description
nlp The shared nlp object to pass the vocab to the matchers and process phrase patterns. Language
name 3 Instance name of the current pipeline component. Typically passed in automatically from the factory when the component is added. Used to disable the current entity ruler while creating phrase patterns with the nlp object. str
phrase_matcher_attr Optional attribute name match on for the internal PhraseMatcher, e.g. LOWER to match on the lowercase token text. Defaults to None. Optional[Union[int, str]]
matcher_fuzzy_compare 3.5 The fuzzy comparison method, passed on to the internal Matcher. Defaults to spacy.matcher.levenshtein.levenshtein_compare. Callable
validate Whether patterns should be validated, passed to Matcher and PhraseMatcher as validate. Defaults to False. bool
overwrite_ents If existing entities are present, e.g. entities added by the model, overwrite them by matches if necessary. Defaults to False. bool
ent_id_sep Separator used internally for entity IDs. Defaults to "||". str
patterns Optional patterns to load in on initialization. Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[dict]]]]]
scorer The scoring method. Defaults to spacy.scorer.get_ner_prf. Optional[Callable]


Initialize the component with data and used before training to load in rules from a pattern file. This method is typically called by Language.initialize and lets you customize arguments it receives via the [initialize.components] block in the config.


entity_ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
entity_ruler.initialize(lambda: [], nlp=nlp, patterns=patterns)
### config.cfg

@readers = "srsly.read_jsonl.v1"
path = "corpus/entity_ruler_patterns.jsonl
Name Description
get_examples Function that returns gold-standard annotations in the form of Example objects. Not used by the EntityRuler. Callable], Iterable[Example
nlp The current nlp object. Defaults to None. Optional[Language]
patterns The list of patterns. Defaults to None. Optional[Sequence[Dict[str, Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]]]]


The number of all patterns added to the entity ruler.


ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
assert len(ruler) == 0
ruler.add_patterns([{"label": "ORG", "pattern": "Apple"}])
assert len(ruler) == 1
Name Description
RETURNS The number of patterns. int


Whether a label is present in the patterns.


ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
ruler.add_patterns([{"label": "ORG", "pattern": "Apple"}])
assert "ORG" in ruler
assert not "PERSON" in ruler
Name Description
label The label to check. str
RETURNS Whether the entity ruler contains the label. bool


Find matches in the Doc and add them to the doc.ents. Typically, this happens automatically after the component has been added to the pipeline using nlp.add_pipe. If the entity ruler was initialized with overwrite_ents=True, existing entities will be replaced if they overlap with the matches. When matches overlap in a Doc, the entity ruler prioritizes longer patterns over shorter, and if equal the match occuring first in the Doc is chosen.


ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
ruler.add_patterns([{"label": "ORG", "pattern": "Apple"}])

doc = nlp("A text about Apple.")
ents = [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents]
assert ents == [("Apple", "ORG")]
Name Description
doc The Doc object to process, e.g. the Doc in the pipeline. Doc
RETURNS The modified Doc with added entities, if available. Doc


Add patterns to the entity ruler. A pattern can either be a token pattern (list of dicts) or a phrase pattern (string). For more details, see the usage guide on rule-based matching.


patterns = [
    {"label": "ORG", "pattern": "Apple"},
    {"label": "GPE", "pattern": [{"lower": "san"}, {"lower": "francisco"}]}
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
Name Description
patterns The patterns to add. List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[dict]]]]


Remove a pattern by its ID from the entity ruler. A ValueError is raised if the ID does not exist.


patterns = [{"label": "ORG", "pattern": "Apple", "id": "apple"}]
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
Name Description
id The ID of the pattern rule. str


Save the entity ruler patterns to a directory. The patterns will be saved as newline-delimited JSON (JSONL). If a file with the suffix .jsonl is provided, only the patterns are saved as JSONL. If a directory name is provided, a patterns.jsonl and cfg file with the component configuration is exported.


ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
ruler.to_disk("/path/to/patterns.jsonl")  # saves patterns only
ruler.to_disk("/path/to/entity_ruler")    # saves patterns and config
Name Description
path A path to a JSONL file or directory, which will be created if it doesn't exist. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str, Path]


Load the entity ruler from a path. Expects either a file containing newline-delimited JSON (JSONL) with one entry per line, or a directory containing a patterns.jsonl file and a cfg file with the component configuration.


ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
ruler.from_disk("/path/to/patterns.jsonl")  # loads patterns only
ruler.from_disk("/path/to/entity_ruler")    # loads patterns and config
Name Description
path A path to a JSONL file or directory. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str, Path]
RETURNS The modified EntityRuler object. EntityRuler


Serialize the entity ruler patterns to a bytestring.


ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
ruler_bytes = ruler.to_bytes()
Name Description
RETURNS The serialized patterns. bytes


Load the pipe from a bytestring. Modifies the object in place and returns it.


ruler_bytes = ruler.to_bytes()
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
Name Description
bytes_data The bytestring to load. bytes
RETURNS The modified EntityRuler object. EntityRuler


All labels present in the match patterns.

Name Description
RETURNS The string labels. Tuple[str, ...]


All entity IDs present in the id properties of the match patterns.

Name Description
RETURNS The string IDs. Tuple[str, ...]


Get all patterns that were added to the entity ruler.

Name Description
RETURNS The original patterns, one dictionary per pattern. List[Dict[str, Union[str, dict]]]


Name Description
matcher The underlying matcher used to process token patterns. Matcher
phrase_matcher The underlying phrase matcher used to process phrase patterns. PhraseMatcher
token_patterns The token patterns present in the entity ruler, keyed by label. Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[dict]]]]
phrase_patterns The phrase patterns present in the entity ruler, keyed by label. Dict[str, List[Doc]]