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Daniël de Kok 50d2a2c930
User fewer Vector internals ()
* Use Vectors.shape rather than Vectors.data.shape

* Use Vectors.size rather than Vectors.data.size

* Add Vectors.to_ops to move data between different ops

* Add documentation for Vector.to_ops
2022-01-18 17:14:35 +01:00

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Vectors Store, save and load word vectors class spacy/vectors.pyx 2

Vectors data is kept in the Vectors.data attribute, which should be an instance of numpy.ndarray (for CPU vectors) or cupy.ndarray (for GPU vectors).

As of spaCy v3.2, Vectors supports two types of vector tables:

  • default: A standard vector table (as in spaCy v3.1 and earlier) where each key is mapped to one row in the vector table. Multiple keys can be mapped to the same vector, and not all of the rows in the table need to be assigned so vectors.n_keys may be greater or smaller than vectors.shape[0].
  • floret: Only supports vectors trained with floret, an extended version of fastText that produces compact vector tables by combining fastText's subword ngrams with Bloom embeddings. The compact tables are similar to the HashEmbed embeddings already used in many spaCy components. Each word is represented as the sum of one or more rows as determined by the settings related to character ngrams and the hash table.


Create a new vector store. With the default mode, you can set the vector values and keys directly on initialization, or supply a shape keyword argument to create an empty table you can add vectors to later. In floret mode, the complete vector data and settings must be provided on initialization and cannot be modified later.


from spacy.vectors import Vectors

empty_vectors = Vectors(shape=(10000, 300))

data = numpy.zeros((3, 300), dtype='f')
keys = ["cat", "dog", "rat"]
vectors = Vectors(data=data, keys=keys)
Name Description
strings The string store. A new string store is created if one is not provided. Defaults to None. Optional[StringStore]
shape Size of the table as (n_entries, n_columns), the number of entries and number of columns. Not required if you're initializing the object with data and keys. Tuple[int, int]
data The vector data. numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]
keys A sequence of keys aligned with the data. Iterable[Union[str, int]]
name A name to identify the vectors table. str
mode 3.2 Vectors mode: "default" or "floret" (default: "default"). str
minn 3.2 The floret char ngram minn (default: 0). int
maxn 3.2 The floret char ngram maxn (default: 0). int
hash_count 3.2 The floret hash count. Supported values: 1--4 (default: 1). int
hash_seed 3.2 The floret hash seed (default: 0). int
bow 3.2 The floret BOW string (default: "<"). str
eow 3.2 The floret EOW string (default: ">"). str


Get a vector by key. If the key is not found in the table, a KeyError is raised.


cat_id = nlp.vocab.strings["cat"]
cat_vector = nlp.vocab.vectors[cat_id]
assert cat_vector == nlp.vocab["cat"].vector
Name Description
key The key to get the vector for. Union[int, str]
RETURNS The vector for the key. numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]


Set a vector for the given key. Not supported for floret mode.


cat_id = nlp.vocab.strings["cat"]
vector = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (300,))
nlp.vocab.vectors[cat_id] = vector
Name Description
key The key to set the vector for. int
vector The vector to set. numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]


Iterate over the keys in the table. In floret mode, the keys table is not used.


for key in nlp.vocab.vectors:
   print(key, nlp.vocab.strings[key])
Name Description
YIELDS A key in the table. int


Return the number of vectors in the table.


vectors = Vectors(shape=(3, 300))
assert len(vectors) == 3
Name Description
RETURNS The number of vectors in the table. int


Check whether a key has been mapped to a vector entry in the table. In floret mode, returns True for all keys.


cat_id = nlp.vocab.strings["cat"]
nlp.vocab.vectors.add(cat_id, numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (300,)))
assert cat_id in vectors
Name Description
key The key to check. int
RETURNS Whether the key has a vector entry. bool


Add a key to the table, optionally setting a vector value as well. Keys can be mapped to an existing vector by setting row, or a new vector can be added. Not supported for floret mode.


vector = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (300,))
cat_id = nlp.vocab.strings["cat"]
nlp.vocab.vectors.add(cat_id, vector=vector)
nlp.vocab.vectors.add("dog", row=0)
Name Description
key The key to add. Union[str, int]
vector An optional vector to add for the key. numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]
row An optional row number of a vector to map the key to. int
RETURNS The row the vector was added to. int


Resize the underlying vectors array. If inplace=True, the memory is reallocated. This may cause other references to the data to become invalid, so only use inplace=True if you're sure that's what you want. If the number of vectors is reduced, keys mapped to rows that have been deleted are removed. These removed items are returned as a list of (key, row) tuples. Not supported for floret mode.


removed = nlp.vocab.vectors.resize((10000, 300))
Name Description
shape A (rows, dims) tuple describing the number of rows and dimensions. Tuple[int, int]
inplace Reallocate the memory. bool
RETURNS The removed items as a list of (key, row) tuples. List[Tuple[int, int]]


A sequence of the keys in the table. In floret mode, the keys table is not used.


for key in nlp.vocab.vectors.keys():
    print(key, nlp.vocab.strings[key])
Name Description
RETURNS The keys. Iterable[int]


Iterate over vectors that have been assigned to at least one key. Note that some vectors may be unassigned, so the number of vectors returned may be less than the length of the vectors table. In floret mode, the keys table is not used.


for vector in nlp.vocab.vectors.values():
Name Description
YIELDS A vector in the table. numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]


Iterate over (key, vector) pairs, in order. In floret mode, the keys table is empty.


for key, vector in nlp.vocab.vectors.items():
   print(key, nlp.vocab.strings[key], vector)
Name Description
YIELDS (key, vector) pairs, in order. Tuple[int, numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]]


Look up one or more keys by row, or vice versa. Not supported for floret mode.


row = nlp.vocab.vectors.find(key="cat")
rows = nlp.vocab.vectors.find(keys=["cat", "dog"])
key = nlp.vocab.vectors.find(row=256)
keys = nlp.vocab.vectors.find(rows=[18, 256, 985])
Name Description
key Find the row that the given key points to. Returns int, -1 if missing. Union[str, int]
keys Find rows that the keys point to. Returns numpy.ndarray. Iterable[Union[str, int]]
row Find the first key that points to the row. Returns integer. int
rows Find the keys that point to the rows. Returns numpy.ndarray. Iterable[int]
RETURNS The requested key, keys, row or rows. Union[int, numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]]


Get (rows, dims) tuples of number of rows and number of dimensions in the vector table.


vectors = Vectors(shape(1, 300))
vectors.add("cat", numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (300,)))
rows, dims = vectors.shape
assert rows == 1
assert dims == 300
Name Description
RETURNS A (rows, dims) pair. Tuple[int, int]


The vector size, i.e. rows * dims.


vectors = Vectors(shape=(500, 300))
assert vectors.size == 150000
Name Description
RETURNS The vector size. int


Whether the vectors table is full and has no slots are available for new keys. If a table is full, it can be resized using Vectors.resize. In floret mode, the table is always full and cannot be resized.


vectors = Vectors(shape=(1, 300))
vectors.add("cat", numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (300,)))
assert vectors.is_full
Name Description
RETURNS Whether the vectors table is full. bool


Get the number of keys in the table. Note that this is the number of all keys, not just unique vectors. If several keys are mapped to the same vectors, they will be counted individually. In floret mode, the keys table is not used.


vectors = Vectors(shape=(10, 300))
assert len(vectors) == 10
assert vectors.n_keys == 0
Name Description
RETURNS The number of all keys in the table. int


For each of the given vectors, find the n most similar entries to it by cosine. Queries are by vector. Results are returned as a (keys, best_rows, scores) tuple. If queries is large, the calculations are performed in chunks to avoid consuming too much memory. You can set the batch_size to control the size/space trade-off during the calculations. Not supported for floret mode.


queries = numpy.asarray([numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (300,))])
most_similar = nlp.vocab.vectors.most_similar(queries, n=10)
Name Description
queries An array with one or more vectors. numpy.ndarray
batch_size The batch size to use. Default to 1024. int
n The number of entries to return for each query. Defaults to 1. int
sort Whether to sort the entries returned by score. Defaults to True. bool


Get the vectors for the provided keys efficiently as a batch.


words = ["cat", "dog"]
vectors = nlp.vocab.vectors.get_batch(words)
Name Description
keys The keys. Iterable[Union[int, str]]


Change the embedding matrix to use different Thinc ops.


from thinc.api import NumpyOps


Name Description
ops The Thinc ops to switch the embedding matrix to. Ops


Save the current state to a directory.



Name Description
path A path to a directory, which will be created if it doesn't exist. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str, Path]


Loads state from a directory. Modifies the object in place and returns it.


vectors = Vectors(StringStore())
Name Description
path A path to a directory. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str, Path]
RETURNS The modified Vectors object. Vectors


Serialize the current state to a binary string.


vectors_bytes = vectors.to_bytes()
Name Description
RETURNS The serialized form of the Vectors object. bytes


Load state from a binary string.


fron spacy.vectors import Vectors
vectors_bytes = vectors.to_bytes()
new_vectors = Vectors(StringStore())
Name Description
data The data to load from. bytes
RETURNS The Vectors object. Vectors


Name Description
data Stored vectors data. numpy is used for CPU vectors, cupy for GPU vectors. Union[numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32], cupy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]]
key2row Dictionary mapping word hashes to rows in the Vectors.data table. Dict[int, int]
keys Array keeping the keys in order, such that keys[vectors.key2row[key]] == key. Union[numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32], cupy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]]